01225 701650

Ultra fast hosting

Speed is everything!

Slow loading websites lose a large amount of traffic very quickly, where users will simply go elsewhere and most likely buy from a competitor. If your website takes more than 4 seconds to load, this is probably happening to you!

  • Ultra fast hosting pack for your website
  • 99.9% Uptime guarantee
  • Premium web security
  • Green hosting platform

Malware Protection

Our servers include a multitude of free protective solutions to ensure the utmost security to all of our users. This includes systems that automatically scan and detect any issues and notify you immediately. We also advise you of available security updates for your web applications completely free of charge.

Full range of multi layered security for every project

We will do a full analysis of your online presence to attempt to uncover any potential problems and provide advice on correcting these problems going forward.

  • Multiple Juniper routers connected to our redundant, multi-homed network core.
  • Upstream connections to GTT, Voxility, Link11, LINX.
  • 150Gbit uplink network capacity.
  • Upstream filtering provided via direct interconnects with Voxility and Link11.

Green hosting

In 2017 our host became one of the first to be powered by 100% renewable energy - no vague carbon offsets, just a direct relationship between our datacentre and Ecotricity to power the facility with energy generated by 100% renewable sources. In order to meet the UK’s commitment to reach net-zero emissions and end its contribution to global warming by 2050, businesses around the world must play their part. As a web hosting company, we are all too aware that datacentres require a tremendous amount of energy, which is why we work hard to not only achieve carbon neutrality of our electrical energy usage, but to make sustainability a central part of our operational approach.

Tell us about your project

If you can provide as much information as poissible we will be able to return a ball park quote and get the ball rolling.

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Part of Sound Networks (SW) Ltd

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